All recording links in the Free Tier of Canvas Conferences are restricted by default.
Restricted recording links are only accessible through the Canvas Conferences interface; when a recording is ready for viewing, users will see the list of available recordings.
Here, a user can click the link 'video' to view the recording.
The links are dynamically generated, expire after 6 hours, and are only viewable by one person.
That means, when a user views the recording link, they can not take the URL from their browser and share it with others.
For example, here is a link to a restricted recording:
Clicking this link will return back a 404 error saying "This may be a protected recording."
While we can't prevent a user from recording their screen while watching a recording, or right-clicking and downloading the video file for the recording, with Restricted Recording Links, we've made it more difficult for users to casually share a recording.
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