Until version 2.1.x, the plugin RecordingsBN was used as a special view for showing all the recordings in a course. As most of the code used by RecordingsBN was the same used by BigBlueButtonBN, in order to avoid duplication and to reduce the maintenance efforts, RecordingsBN was deprecated along BigBlueButtonBN 2.1.x release and phased out along BigBlueButtonBN 2.2.x release.
The message you are seeing is shown because your Moodle server was updated with the latest versions of the two plugins (BigBlueButtonBN 2.2.x and RecordingsBN 1.3.3).
As the message says, since version 2.2, BigBlueButtonBN can (and should) also be used for showing the list of recordings in a course.
BigBlueButtonBN instances in your course can now be used in 3 modes (that can be selected from the drop down menu at the top) when adding a new one or editing an existing one.
There are two paths to follow in order to solve this issue:
- The first one is by manually adding in each course where a list with all the recordings is needed, a new instance of BigBlueButtonBN, BUT configured as for "Recordings only". This can be done by any Editing Teacher.
- The second one can only be performed by an Administrator and is to migrate all the RecordingsBN instances to BigBlueButtonBN. The administrator has to go to the RecordingsBN settings and, as explained in the message boxes, perform the migration by clicking on the "Migrate all instances" button. Once RecordingsBN instances are migrated, the plugin should be removed.
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