You can view and manage your recordings.
Room recordings: allows you to manage and view recordings that were made in a specific room. Recordings for the selected room would appear in the recordings manager section of the interface.
All recordings: allows you to manage and view all recordings associated with your account. All recordings would appear listed in chronological order from all rooms.
Recordings for selected room
Whenever you log in to your Personal Rooms account, the currently selected room is Home Room.
The bottom panel shows the list of available recordings for the selected room.
- Recordings Tab selected - shows all recordings available for the room
- Search for a recording
- Lists the name of the recording (the name of the recording is the same as the name of the room), and the date it was recorded.
- The length of the recording in minutes
- The number of users that attended the session
- The visibility of the recording
- The available formats for the recording
- Quickly copy the link for the recording
- Quickly delete the recording
Recording Visibility [6]: by default, recordings are processed as unlisted or unavailable to anyone other than the room owner. To enable attendees with the room link to access the particular recording select unlisted from the visibility drop down. It is important to note the meeting statistics will also become available when a recording's visibility is set to public.
- Public/Protected - The recording is available on the Public Recordings page displayed on the Room Join page. The link can only be viewed from within Personal Rooms.
- Public - The recording is available on the Public Recordings page displayed on the Room Join page. The link can be shared with anyone.
- Protected - The recording must be viewed from within Personal Rooms.
- Published - The recording is accessible to anyone with the link.
- Unpublished - The recording is not accessible to anyone
**It is important to note that an unpublished recording can still be shared with individuals who do not have access to the personal room link if they are given the recording playback URL directly**
Recording Formats [7]: once a recorded session has been processed, up to four different formats will be available for review. If you click on the presentation or video formats they will open the recording playback in a new tab. If you click on the statistics or notes format it will open in a new tab.
Anyone with access to the room will be view the available recording formats.
The statistics format provides an overview of the meeting, including attendance, participation and engagement.
**If you are using Blindside Networks' hosting, we can recover deleted recordings up to 14 days from the date of the live session**
All Recordings
You can also view and manage all recordings associated with your account, by clicking on the home icon , then the recordings tab.
To view a listing of all recordings select Recordings from the list of options in the navigation toolbar located at the top right of the interface.
When viewing, all recordings will appear listed in chronological order.
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